Christmas Celebrations across YSS NCR (December 25, 2018)

"Christ is born in the cradle of each loving heart. So you must prepare your consciousness to receive him. Instead of enjoying just the material aspects of this Christmas celebration, make your heart a cradle where Christ can be born again."

— Paramahansa Yogananda

Christmas was celebrated through special commemorative programmes, children satsanga as well as special eight-hour-long meditations at YSS Noida Ashram, Delhi Kendra and Gurugram Kendra.

Christmas Satsanga by Swami Lalitanandaji at YSS Noida 

On December 25, 2018, Swami Lalitanandaji conducted the Christmas Satsanga at YSS Noida Ashram.

Beginning with a prayer and chanting, Swamiji led the devotees through a short period of meditation. Following the meditation, he delivered a satsanga wherein he brought the focus of the attendees to the sacredness of the occasion being commemorated - the birth of Jesus Christ more than 2000 years ago. 

Swamiji pointed out that how - on such a day - the ether was charged with positive vibrations which had the energy to uplift one spiritually and materially if one tuned in with the vibrations through deep meditation.

He read out and explained these points from a letter from YSS/SRF President Swami Chidanandaji, in which Swami Chidanandaji has condensed a very practical and pragmatic formula for changing oneself as well as one’s circumstances. This includes introspection, resolutions, prayer, visualization, and affirmation. And after these comes trying to manifest in one’s daily life those qualities which one wants to develop. Slowly the faith will develop that it is possible to change oneself completely into whatever one wants to be with the help of God who is all powerful.

Swamiji closed his satsanga by quoting Guruji’s words about Christmas and Jesus Christ.

After the programme, devotees were served prasad in Guru Langar.

Christmas Satsanga by Swami Sadanandaji at YSS Gurugram Kendra

At YSS Gurugram Kendra, Swami Sadanandaji conducted the Christmas satsanga on December 25, 2018.

Earlier, Brahmachari Vinayanandaji conducted the special eight-hour-long meditation on the occasion of Christmas.

Christmas Satsanga by Brahmachari Sheelanandaji at YSS Delhi Kendra

On Christmas day, Brahmachari Sheelanandaji conducted the Christmas Satsanga at YSS Delhi Kendra.

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