To commemorate Guru Purnima and Mahavatar Babaji Smriti Divas, a special cultural programme was conducted by Children Sunday Satsanga of YSS Noida Ashram at the Ashram auditorium...
Devotees of YSS may bring their children from age 5 to 12 years to YSS Noida Ashram, Delhi Kendra and Gurgaon Kendra for Children Satsanga on Sundays from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
A beautiful bouquet of programmes was arranged by the Children Satsanga participants and volunteers of YSS Delhi Kendra on the occasion of Janmashtami – which was celebrated...
I'm very happy and feel blessed that my son is getting an opportunity to attend Sunday Satsanga. I'm a lesson subscriber since 2009 but was unable to attend group meditation wondering who...
Children Sunday Satsanga of YSS Dhyana Kendra, Delhi conducted a “Happy Month” summer camp on the Sundays of June-July 2017, as an extension of the Summer Camps for Children organised by...
An unusually hot April sun, many brave little ones and an enthralling line-up of fun activities made up the annual day celebration of Children Sunday Satsanga on April 9, 2017. On the completion of...
2nd international yoga day for children was celebrated on 26th June, 2016 at Noida Ashram from 10:00 to 11:30 am. About 110 children participated therein. Auditorium was spruced with all arrangements....
Krishna Janamastmi was celebrated for children on August 28, 2016 from 10:00 to 12:00 noon in Ashram Auditorium, which was spruced with grand pictures of Bhagwan Krishna and Gurudeva adorned...